Tools and Data

Training & Testing Dataset

The ICDAR 2023 CHART-Infographics UB-Unitec PMC Training set will be available here very soon.

Sample Data

Below you can find samples from each training set. We provide a few chart images with their corresponding annotations in a JSON file. The inputs and expected outputs for each sub-task are specified in the JSON file. Key values that begin with an underscore (_) are not required output, but are given as part of the ground truth annotations, in case this information is useful.

UB PMC Datasets. We have sample data for the main each chart types for download. Each chart has a JPEG image as given by the PubMedCentral.

Datasets from ICPR CHART-Infographics 2022

Datasets from the previous edition of our competition are publicly available and can be used for benchmarking.

The ICPR 2022 CHART-Infographics UB PMC Training Dataset can be downloaded here.

The ICPR 2022 CHART-Infographics UB-Unitec PMC Testing Dataset can be downloaded here.

Note: The ICPR 2022 CHART datasets are subsets of the new training dataset for ICDAR 2023 CHART-Infographics.

Chart Annotation Tools

The tools used for the annotation of chart images can be found here